Pirates in Translation

Like most e-books, the cover of My One was constructed using a stock image. I wondered how many other books have similar covers. So a few weeks ago, I did a cover search. Google allows a user to upload an image and search for similar or identical images. And guess what came up?

This book is titled El, by January Rowe. According to my Spanish-speaking(ish) son, "El" means "Him". Knowing the title made it easy to find a pdf of El. My novella was translated into Spanish. Without permission. (The pdf has no copyright info. The Samhain symbol has also been obliterated on the new cover.)

Here's the blurb of El:

Can anyone tell me if the El blurb is well-written? Should I be flattered somebody bothered to translate My One--or embarrassed? Or should I just be mad at the pirates?